No, I didn't write it backwards. It's the way I have had to learn to live my life this year. Many years ago when I was first married, I was the organizer and planner of everything. I wanted to BE Martha Stewart. OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) most likely, although I happened by it honestly. I swear my mother has OCD. Ever since I can remember, everything had an EXACT place and had to be in it's EXACT place at all times. And life had to be planned way ahead of time, with a backup plan. And while you're at it, a backup plan for the backup plan. What's for dinner is something you settle first thing in the morning, don't you know. You get the picture. (I love you mom.)
As I got older the world got busier, the economy tanked, technology bloomed, and now everyone just seems to run in high gear all day every day. Including me. There's no time to be so organized anymore. I've learned to keep things in the same general area, but the days of having labeled files and cute little organizer bins and nothing ever out of place are over for me. I honestly don't see how working people today have the time (unless of course you really are Martha Stewart). I learned not to care if the bread is on the counter and not stashed out of sight or shoes are left by the front door. And sometimes I don't even make my bed. Does it really matter? I'm just going to be back in it in a few hours, right? I read somewhere once that being overly organized stifles creativity. So I am using that as an excuse for having become a very unorganized person. In the grand scheme of life does it really matter if things are neatly stacked and filed or just randomly shoved into a drawer? Who's looking anyway? God bless women today who have a career and a household to run and children to care for. I have no idea how you do it.
I think the point of this blog was to say that sometimes you just have to get ready and shoot. If you stand around too long trying to aim just right, you're gonna miss everything. If you just keep shooting in the right direction, you'll hit something.
'Fake it till you make it' has always been one of my favorite motto's. Mostly, it's worked for me. And sometimes there's no time to plan everything. You just have to put it in first gear, let out the clutch, hit the gas and go!
My big life change 2011 is still underway... and ya'll ain't seen nothing yet.
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